Cloverleaf Corriedale Stud

Single source – high quality – ethically grown.

Cloverleaf Corriedale Stud is an artisan provider of quality fleece, wool tops, and yarn for fibre art, homewares and craft. Wool products are single-source from the property and processed within 2 hours of the farm.

Cloverleaf Corriedale Stud is a farming social enterprise focusing on sustainable land management, custodianship and ethical animal participation.


Step inside Cloverleaf Corriedale Stud’s stall

Giving back is part of the ethos at Cloverleaf.

​We started building our dream in 2012 with the purchase of our 84 acre property. Naming the property 'Rooks Edge' Our dream is being able to support our local community, our neighbours, our friends and all of the plants and animals that make our lives rich.

Cloverleaf provides land for the not-for-profit Australian wildlife rescue and care group Coopers Animal Refuge to operate. Volunteering for the local Landcare group, we support local community groups by offering a meeting place.  

Cloverleaf is also proud to support the wonderful work of our friends at Edgars Mission and Life of Pikelet. We provide a forever home to rescue pigs, dogs, cats and chickens. We are excited to be the guardians of Pillow the Pig (Insta @pillowthepig). As a youngster, Pillow gained quite a following through stories at The DodoPetcha.comThe Daily Telegraph and  The Metro in the UK.

Lastly, we promote to the message of no kill farming and the sovereign nature of all animals.