Cat & Sparrow

There’s something special about spinning your own yarn and using it to make your own clothing or other items that are useful, or simply for fun. Each make is a journey, a process, and each holds a story - a yarn of creativity.

We dye our fibres and yarn in our Melbourne based home studio in small batches. If you can’t find what you are looking for in our shop, please feel free to get in touch, we are happy to take custom orders.

Step inside Cat & Sparrow’s stall

How the story began…

The story of Cat & Sparrow began when I was looking for my first spinning wheel. I answered an ad on Ebay and begged the seller to let me pick up the wheel that very same day. She happily obliged and that’s how I met Rachael (Sparrow). We hit off like house on fire, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, it’s history.

Unfortunately soon after we started Cat & Sparrow Rachael had to return to England but neither of us wanted to give up what we started, so we became Cat & Sparrow Australia and Cat & Sparrow UK.